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  • Writer's pictureJoanna Trew

5 Skills Mastery Tool: Business Executive Manual for You

Updated: Mar 17, 2023

What if I give you one simple document with effective, easy to use tools for your business toolbox? This little article explains what's in it for you, when you download and read my 5 Skills Mastery Tool Manual for business owners and directors, especially in Construction and Manufacturing industries.

It contains tried and tested tools to make sure your business and your personal life are at a balance, and both on the right path to your fulfilment and success.

It is very often all about balance.

I use this rule in my life and in my business, where I coach business owners and directors, especially in construction and manufacturing industries on how to make the best of both. And on how to achieve the success they want in the next one, two or five years.

One of the ways in which I share all that I have learned in my 8 years of coaching, is inside my free 5 Skills Mastery Manual.

Do you have it to hand? Click here to get your copy.

It's an 8 min read and here is exactly what's inside...

5 Evaluation and Action Tools

These are tried and tested tools for personal and business development. I use these and my clients use these, because they really work and I believe they will work for you.

Provided you do the work, want the change and are ready to see more substantial results.

They are easy to use and explain exactly what you can get when you put these into your business toolbox.

5 Time Management Techniques

Tools and tips gathered after years of trial and error.

As I say to each of my clients: Any tools you choose to use, whether from me or anyone else, try it out and if it doesn't work for you, try another one. Don't give up trying new ones, as that will keep you growing

Skills Mastery Tool

This is by far my favourite challenge and works really well for often time poor executives in Construction and Manufacturing.

Works brilliantly for Property Investors and Developers too, as it creates the space for you to master a new skill every 3 to 6 months.

And the main point of this is that it is you who chooses the most useful skill to you now, for your business or your personal life.

Whether it is communication, conflict resolution, software, social media management, better time management, networking, sales, or any other skills you want to have, it is your choice how you learn them.

After 3-6 months you will not be a lecturer on the subject but with just 30 mins once per week, you will master the skill you need enough to use it easily.

And the best part it, you will then have space for the next one.

And one after that.

And one after that building your own personal growth easily and with permanent good habits.

What About Habits?

What makes a good habit?

Making it your choice and a positive one in my opinion, makes a good habit.

This is a reminder that you are in control of your habits and you get to choose what they are!

So choose wisely and remember that if it takes 28 days to develop a new habit, you have at least 12 chances in each year to pick what serves you the most, what is best for you, what you actually want to do, instead of what just happens.

At the end of the day, we often define ourselves with what we do and with the businesses we run, and as a coach I love what I do, and I will do all that I can so that you can love it more too.

If you don't have it right now, get this manual by clicking below and have a look at how much these simple steps can do for you and how much they can change how you manage your life and your business.

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