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  • Writer's pictureJoanna Trew

4 Reasons Why Confidence is Important to a Business Leader

Confidence is the foundation of leadership.

By definition, a business leader is someone who can motivate a team of employees in order to achieve a common goal within that company.

Sometimes, business leaders are someone in a position of power, such as a vice president of a major company.

Other times, it can be someone who isn’t as high up on the ladder, such as a sales manager; anyone can be a business leader regardless of their position.

You can teach a leader skills like how to make better decisions, how to communicate or how to mentor employees, however confidence needs to come from within - business leaders need to believe in themselves for true leadership to exist.

One reason being, is business leaders are expected to assess and make accurate decisions and have the confidence to drive them.

Furthermore, a good leader should be able to hold meetings with good communication and influence; employees can sense confidence and the more you project this, the more faith they will have in you, the company and its overall mission.

Let’s take a close look at 4 reasons why confidence is important for a business leader.

1. Better Communication

A successful leader must have open communication between them and the rest of the team, especially in a decentralised workforce - i.e. remote employees in different parts of the world.

As such, knowing how to communicate involves picking the right words to articulate business goals and expectations for your team.

When doing this, a confident leader will always remain positive, be able to communicate with friendly body language and, in the case of an emergency, remain calm.

On the other hand, confidence helps leaders to listen to different opinions and allow a free flow of communication, by opening discussions and allowing your teams’ voices to be heard.

Ultimately, strong teams thrive through clear and effective communication from the top down.

2. Stronger Relationships

A confident business leader will have the ability to build strong and lasting relationships with everyone in the team.

Research reveals that the quality of the relationship people feel they have with their leader is a key factor to driving engagement and productivity.

Without confidence, a business leader will have a hard time trying to bring a team together to achieve a common business goal.

To put simply, strong relationships within the team helps build a collaborative working environment which will overall benefit your bottom line.

As such, business leaders should have the confidence to build relationships based on mutual trust and respect, work ethic and accountability.

3. Embrace Risks

As you already know, the world of business comes with many challenges.

And leaders that are confident will be able to take the right risks at the right time in order to solve any problems; rather than staying safe on the side lines, a confident business leader will learn from their mistakes.

In other words, a confident leader will be willing to break the norm and try unconventional strategies in order to increase performance and achieve goals; if a leader is not confident they may be less likely to embrace risks.

At the end of the day, taking risks means stepping out of your comfort zone, confronting the challenges and having the courage to move forward.

4. Implement Change

Leadership is not just about identifying risks and making decisions, but to actually put them into action.

At times, change is not always easy - people do not like change.

And a confident leader will be able to create a clear plan and communicate to the team that those are the appropriate steps to take.

Lack of confidence creates uncertainty and teams need to feel motivated to accept change for a better future, which can only happen if a leader believes in their own actions.

Concluding Thoughts

It’s clear to see why confidence in business leaders is important - it’s the foundation to motivating teams to change, identifying opportunities and taking the risks, all of which contribute to a business’s success.

In reality, self-confidence is more than just a skill and without it, leaders will be left second-guessing their decisions and may even become defensive when challenged.

On the other hand, a confident leader will achieve success and if they don’t, they’ll actively try to find solutions.

To learn more, get in touch with me today.

This blog was produced in collaboration with: Suppliers of Butane Gas Bottles: OTL Creations; and written by the team at SEO Agency London: Axies Digital

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